
JGE Volume 2: Summer 2021

DATE: 2021-10-12

        The second volume of the Journal of Government and Economics (JGE) was released in summer 2021, with contributions from world-renowned economists on topics such as the relative usefulness and implications of business environment indicators, when governments in financial distress choose to publicly seek help, the effects of radical institutional change on long-run growth, country-level bias in the reporting of COVID-19 deaths, and the relationship between new structural economics and government and economics. As always, all articles are open access and can be found through the links below.

Ownership, Enforcement, and the Effects of Business Environment

Christine Zhenwei Qiang, He Wang, L. Colin Xu

Why do countries in financial distress strategically delay seeking help?

Theofanis Tsoulouhas

Bono Malum Superate: long-run effects of radical institutional change

Federico Asta, Lela Mélon, Rok Spruk

Predictable country-level bias in the reporting of COVID-19 deaths

Botir Kobilov, Ethan Rouen, George Serafeim

New structural economics: A framework of studying government and economics

Justin Yifu Lin

Society for the Analysis of Government and Economics
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