
Call for Papers The 2nd International Conference of Government and Economics(1)(1)(1)

DATE: 2019-06-27
VIEWS: 249

        In the light of COVID-19, the 2nd International Conference of Government and Economics is post-poned from April 26 to September 26 or 27 in Beijing, China. Earlier submissions will be automat-ically in the submission list and we will contact authors via email. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at

        The main goals of the annual conference are to deepen our understandings of the relationship be-tween government and economics, and to promote studies on the incentives of government behav-iors and impacts of government policy on the economy. The 2nd Conference is organized by The Society for the Analysis of Government and Economics (SAGE) and The Academic Center for Chinese Economic Practice and Thinking (ACCEPT) at Tsinghua University. The 1st conference was held on April 27, 2019.

        SAGE is operated by ACCEPT at Tsinghua University. The mission of ACCEPT is to advance the knowledge of the discipline of economics with proper consideration of Chinese economic thinking and practice. The focus of the Center's research is on the study of government and economics.  Founded in April 2018, ACCEPT is led by its Director Professor David Daokui Li.


        Authors are invited to submit completed papers. Papers will be selected by the Program Committee consisting of a panel of international scholars. Please submit your papers in electronic format (PDF files only) to Paper submission deadline is August 31, 2020. The submitting authors will be notified of the Program Committee's decision by Sep 10, 2020 via emails.

        We will provide referee reports for 4-6 papers in total, and recommend 2-3 papers to be published in a new journal called “Journal of Government and Economics”, hosted by the Society of the Analysis of Government and Economics, and another 2-3 papers (in Chinese) to be published in Social Sciences Abroad (Chinese journal). More detailed publication information will be released during the annual conference.


        Papers related to government and economics in English or Chinese are welcome. In addition, we would like to encourage authors to submit studies in the following areas:

•    Government and Firms

•    Government and Macroeconomic Control

•    Government and Land Conversion

•    Government and Opening up

•    Government and Saving/Consumption

•    Public Goods

•    Fiscal Policy

•    State-Owned Enterprises


        Eric Maskin. Eric Maskin is the Adams University Professor and Professor of Economics and Mathematics at Harvard. He has made contributions to game theory, contract theory, social choice theory, political economy, and other areas of economics. In 2007, he was awarded the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economics (with L. Hurwicz and R. Myerson) for laying the foundations of mechanism design theory.


Erik Berglof

Professor/Director, IGA, London School of Economics

Jan Svejnar

Professor/Director, CGEG, Columbia University


Erik Berglof

Professor/Director, IGA, London School of Economics

Meixin Guo

Researcher, ACCEPT, Tsinghua University


Huang Associate Professor, SEM, Tsinghua University

Jiandong Ju 

Professor/Director, CIFER-PBCSF, Tsinghua University

Bing Li 

Researcher, ACCEPT, Tsinghua University


Daokui Li Professor/Director, ACCEPT, Tsinghua University

Aobo Like

Vice Director, ACCEPT, Tsinghua University

Lin Lu  

Researcher, ACCEPT, Tsinghua University

Jan Svejnar

Professor/Director, CGEG, Columbia University

Ke Tang

Professor, School of Social Sciences, Tsinghua University

Jing Li 

Secretary, ACCEPT, Tsinghua University
Society for the Analysis of Government and Economics
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