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By Karadag, Ozge, Ajita Singh and Jeffrey Sachs, (Report Chapter)  Global Happiness and Well-being Policy Report 2022 (2022): pp. 89-113.Date Published: 2022 AbstractThe COVID-19 pandemic ha...
2022 . 02 17
By Stern, NicholasThe Economic Journal, Vol. 132, Issue 644 (May 2022): pp. 1259-1289.Date Issued: May 2022Date Published: Feb 1, 2022AbstractThe case for action on climate change with urgency and at ...
2022 . 02 01
By Philippe Aghion, Céline Antonin, Simon Bunel, and Xavier JaravelLili Yan Ing and Gene M. Grossman (eds.), Robots and AI: A New Economic Era, Routledge-ERIA Studies in Development Economics: Lo...
2022 . 01 22
By Philippe AghionLa Revue Européenne du Droit Vol. 4, Issue 1 (Jan 2022): pp. 170-172.Date Published: Jan 2022Covid-19 has pointed to a number of existing dysfunctions that affect capitalism as ...
2022 . 01 22
By Gelman, Andrew, Shira Mitchell, Jeffrey D. Sachs and Sonia SachsStatistics and Public Policy Vol. 9, No. 1 (2022).Date Published: Jan 18, 2022 ABSTRACTThe Millennium Villages Project was an in...
2022 . 01 18
By Eric MaskinReview of Economic Design Vol. 26, Issue 3 (2022): pp. 255-259.Date Published: Jan 3, 2022Issue Date: Sept 2022AbstractUnder normal circumstances, competitive markets do an excellen...
2022 . 01 03
Sachs, Jeffrey D. and Lisa E. SachsRed Vol 4, Issue 1 (Jan 2022): pp. 143-148.Date Published: Jan 2022 AbstractAccelerating clean energy transitions around the globe is essential to avoid catastr...
2022 . 01 01
ByZhuravskaya, Ekaterina, Surgei Guriev and Andrei Markevich,Journal of Economic Literature (2022) AbstractThis survey discusses recent developments in the growing literature on the Russian econo...
2021 . 12 27
The third volume of the Journal of Government and Economics (JGE) was released in autumn 2021, with articles covering a wide range of topics. Nobel laureate Michael Spence writes on the opportunities ...
2021 . 12 07
Society for the Analysis of Government and Economics
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