Conference News
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On December 6, 2021, SAGE hosted an online lecture by Professor Ma Guangrong on “Incentives and Risks in Fiscal Decentralization.” The webinar was the fourth event in SAGE's “Lectures in Governmen...
2021 . 12 08
On November 3, 2021, SAGE hosted an online lecture by Professor Dani Rodrik on “Managing U.S.-China Economic Conflict.” The webinar was the third event in SAGE's “Lectures in Government and Econom...
2021 . 11 05
The second International Conference of Government and Economics, co-hosted by the School of Social Sciences of Tsinghua University, the Society for the Analysis of Government and Economics (SAGE), and...
2020 . 09 26
On September 22th, 2019, the “International Symposium on 70 Years of Chinese Economic Development: 1949 -2019” was held. It was organized by the Academic Center for Chinese Economic Practice and Think...
2019 . 09 22
Welcome to the Third Annual Conference of Government and Economics. Please allow me to take a moment to introduce the basic background of this annual international conference, which is co-sponsored by...
2021 . 06 25
Today I would like to talk about how government can facilitate the growth of an economy. I have experienced multiple transitions in my career, from working in an enterprise, to working in the governme...
2021 . 06 25
Today we gather here for the Third Annual Conference of Government and Economics. I think one issue that certainly comes to mind is whether any changes have taken place in the relationship between the...
2021 . 06 25
Louise Curtis, Senior Vice President of Life and Social Sciences Publishing at Elsevier said on the Third Annual Conference of Government and Economics that the Journal of Government and Economics (JG...
2021 . 05 27
The Ideal Role of GovernmentDavid Daokui Li: Given your arguments above, what is the ideal role the government should play in order to correct market failures?Nicholas Stern: Understanding what govern...
2021 . 05 27
Society for the Analysis of Government and Economics
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